
Conveyor systems for polybags

Want to transport polybags throughout your production or logistics environment? Here at Easy Conveyors, we provide the necessary conveyor modules, such as polybags conveyor belts, for your custom transport system. Chain conveyors are in general the most popular and efficient way to transport polybags.

Depending on the size and type of polybags, your industry and the provided space or distance to be covered, we will determine together which of our solutions best suits your needs. We offer different sizes and applications in chain conveyors, polybags conveyor belts, and roller conveyors, to accelerate or optimize the transport of polybags within your company.

From small flexible chain conveyors to wide and flexible open or close mat top conveyors. With widths from 80 to 850mm and lengths up to 30.000mm: our chain conveyors are versatile and can transport any type of polybags in your internal logistics.

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Example of polybags conveyor belts, used to easily transport polybags througout your factory or warehouse.

Easy Conveyors Your supplier of conveyor modules and components.

Easy Conveyors is a company with 25 years of experience in the area of conveyor modules and components. Any questions regarding the conveyor solution for of your or your clients’ company? We have the right product in store for you.

  • Globally active
  • Continuous R&D development
  • Most complete range on the market
  • No compromise on quality
These conveyor belts for machine manufacturers do not only bridge long distances, they also bridge height differences and make the best use of all available space.
Modules to build the transport system that suits your processes. Design the conveyor that meets your specifications
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Global network of integrators and partners

Easy Conveyors is available worldwide and has created a well-established network of exclusive distributors and integrators. Our partners can offer you a total solution that integrates our components.

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What product do you need for your conveyor project?

We are happy to guide you through our broad range and find the perfect solution for your internal transport.
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